Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy New Year!~Well, at least for me!

The last few weeks since school let out have very much been a challenge. The routine of long walks in the park and workouts at the Y while boys were in school got kicked to the curb. I went from motivated, physically excited to exercise, eating healthier and devouring Made to Crave.. . to the polar opposite. I did not make horrible choices, but without a real PLAN of eating healthier I am not sure that is good for me. Surprisingly I did not gain weight, but neither did I lose anything. With the downward spiral also came the depression that I will never lose the weight and be any healthier then at this moment. All Satan's lies. He doesn't want be to believe that I can be victorious, it's too hard, not fun, too expensive, you failed so many times, its unrealistic, family genetics...and the lies go on. So these weeks I have had every emotion you can think of, but also God has been showing me so much about Himself and myself and what could be. I am still doing this in the flesh! God is a God order not confusion and doubt. Glimpses of what He intended me to be~ Victorious Daughter of the King. As David cried out to Him so did much to just vent to Him, be comforted and encouraged and Praise Him for in life. "Weakness is hard, but weakness doesn't mean defeat. It is my opportunity to experience God's power" Take a look at 2Corinthains 12:9-10 if it's not already familiar So where from here? Well , for weeks also I have been mulling over the idea of restarting Metabolism Miracle Diet by Diane Kress. A few years ago I was told about the book and plan from a friend who also struggled with her weight. She had a one on one consul with Diane and gained such new ideas and methods that it all made sense to try again. A few of us did the diet together, my husband even did it with me. I lost 40lbs!! My best weight loss ever! What happened?? I am not sure I have a answer temptation? laziness? Tired of denying myself things others can have.... No matter the reasons, I am full circle today and really at a different thought process due to Made to Crave. He is molding and shaping me inwardly and hopefully that will also mean outwardly. As I Iook ahead to next weekend Birthday weekend~ it's with mixed emotions. I need to take steps of faith that He is able and willing~ THIS IS NOT TOO BIG FOR HIM! So this week I am in the planning stages of A Happy New Year for me! I will be turning 43 yrs old and I don't want to keep feeling like I am 83 yrs old! I re-purchased the book, and added the cookbook to my Nook. I am working on purging foods I shouldn't eat and making lists of what I am able to replace it with. I am sitting down with boys and husband and figuring out the best times for me to exercise and let them know this IS happening and I need their support not complaining. I will post a link for the book that will explain more, but Met Miracle takes a very close look at your body and how it processes the foods that are carbs and sugars. You detox from carbs for 8 weeks so that you rest your liver and pancreas. I am not going into much here and now. But it will be a live change for me and my family in some areas. Only by God's grace and strength will I be able to stay on this journey climbing what feels to me like a huge one. But with that I am also excited to have a plan both for mind and body. I am going to continue with Made to Crave. So until next time..... "Give careful thought to your ways. Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored: Haggai 1:2-8